So, what ultimately leads to Flexible Connectors Failure in the field?

Most hose failures happen in kitchens, bathrooms or laundries. Why?

Although Stainless Steel braiding seems to be the best option for corrosion resistance, some applications may need more.

Under certain conditions, even a high quality AISI 304 Stainless Steel grade braid that covers the inner tube is prone to pitting corrosion and can cause the premature burst, as a consequence of:

l its exposure to household cleaning products that happen to be stored below the sink, close to the braided flexible connectors,

l its exposure to saline environment (coastal areas) or,

l When used in typical applications combining hot water with some specific tensile strength and corrosive chemicals producing Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC).


TUCAI has a prominent position in the field of Flexible Connectors due to its reputation and innovative culture. Its strong focus on creating value for our customers led the Company to conduct a study to identify the main cause of product failure and develop solutions.


The result is a new range of Polymer braided hoses that have obtained -for the first time-the DVGW certification on the basis of the European Norm EN-13618.

The Anti-Corrosion braided flexible connector range of TUCAI is engineered for a superior lifespan under demanding conditions.

So, what ultimately leads to Flexible Connectors Failure in the field?
Constructed out of corrugated HDPE inner core covered with an AISI 304 Stainless Steel braiding
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